HELLO!! :)

Hey! Welcome to my first ever newsletter!

fig. 1 ME

A little about me, my name is Kaitlin Moon and I live in a dumb, conservative part of Ohio, USA with my lovely husband, child, and cat. I grew up in an artistic family, but was told that I should stay away from art my whole life. “Math and science, math and science” was the mantra, but LOOK AT ME NOW, DAD! I’m a lino printer that’s terrible at measuring.

Likes: wild birds and identifying birds for people (or trying to), veggie trays with ranch dip, cinematic adventures like Lord of the Rings and Hot Rod, honey oatmilk lattes

Dislikes: celery, having wet hands, putting away folded laundry, animals in circuses

The Story Behind Neptooncat

Back in 1996-97 my family got AOL. At the time, you could only sign up 3 family members before you had to pay for the account- so my sister and I shared an account. My dad worked on creating our shared username and asked us each what things we liked- my sister “Neptune,” me “cartoons,” and we both like cats. Thus, Neptooncat was born! Although my sister moved on from the name, I have held onto it nearly 30 years later.

What’s new?

I have decided to reel it back with markets this year, BUT I do have a market in May! It’ll be on May 18th 10-4pm in the large grassy area behind the Springfield Township Fire Department.

fig. 2 flyer for my next market on May 18th in Cincinnati, OH

I have a few projects in the works as well! One is a project I have had in my brain since the end of last year that’s a flower forest- I just thought of a tweak the other day that made it sound fun to try again, another is about a vase of flowers that resembles my dealings with infertility over the last few years, and some various cards because who doesn’t love a cute card from a loved one. I’ve been struggling finding the time to carve and print lately. I think I’m going to be really stressed out in a little bit to make sure I have enough for the market later this month because I haven’t actually printed anything in several months and I’ve been giving all of my inventory to stores.

Speaking of stores, I’m ending my month long feature at Roebling Books in April and I’m leaving The Collective in Cincinnati because I didn’t do well enough there to feel like I should stay while I’m in such an unsure point of… [gestures wildly] this. BUT I am still at Main Street Studio downtown Cincinnati, OH and Funny Farm Coffee downtown Lawrenceburg, IN.

Lastly, I really want to thank you for letting me into your inbox and on your feed. I’ve been feeling pretty disillusioned with my art career or whatever you’d call… [gestures wildly] this. Knowing that even an infinitesimal amount of people care enough to let me into their lives because they like my art or my dumb jokes really means a lot to me. I can make art for myself and I joke around with those near me, but true joy for me is knowing that whatever I did, like creating a humanoid fish complaining about Mondays, made a bunch of people smile and laugh. I really hope that you’ve enjoyed my art so far and have found the humor in them, even though clearly one of the new ones sounds like a bummer. Whoops. You’re a real one.

fig 3. newest card design in the final printing stage

fig 4. newest card design draft

fig 5. flower forest draft

fig 6. test print of newest print

Thanks for showing up,

Kaitlin :)