It's Almost Summer!

It begins June 20th- write that down

Summer’s almost here and I am ready for nights full of twinkling lightning bugs. Oof that’s just the best, right? They make it feel like we’re living in a fantasy world, but they’re just insects using bioluminescence. Last month, I ended my month feature at Roebling, restocked my art at Main Street Shop and Studio and Funny Farm Coffee Company! I also attended one market and it was with Arts Connect in Springfield Township, Ohio. It was a really nice day for the most part- the weather held up and was pretty breezy up until the end when it got majorly hot. Everyone was so nice and the music and food trucks were definitely on point.

my setup at artsconect in May

a tote made by me along the other funny farm merchandise

Likes from May:  pizza, birding, using my merlin app to help me identify birds, audiobooks, Libby app, cold brewed coffee with honey and oat milk

red shouldered hawk getting chased off

birdhouse that is a home for house wrens

Dislikes from May: spraying perfume with my mouth ever so slightly open, uv index being above a 4, my left foot hurts-don’t like that

Favorite books so far 2024 (in no order): In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune; The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers; and the Murderbot series by Martha Wells

I’m 13 books into a 20 book goal for this year and I have no plans on stopping! I will say that listening to books is definitely easier for me than sitting down to read. There’s no way I could have 3 books read by now if I had to do that. I’m also so very glad that I’m at the point where I know what books I do like- I had the hardest time growing up picking out books that I liked. Maybe it’s because I had to read them instead of listen. But I had found that I like science fiction- especially if it’s about space and I like a good whodunit (like the Murderbot series and The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei are great examples).

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow (2 June) I have a market thanks to Gertler Goods at one of my favorite coffee shops, Crimson Cup in West Chester 12-4pm! It’s a small market, but I think it’ll just be nice to go out for a while. The weather should be nice and we’ll be under a covered patio so it’ll be nice and cool where we’ll be.

gertler goods market 2 june at crimson cup coffee

I will also be attending a Final Friday event in downtown Lawrenceburg outside of Funny Farm Coffee. It will be an evening event (5-8pm) on 28 June!

What Projects Am I Working On? 

Currently, I am working on a commission for an old friend who wishes to stamp her bags when she sells at a market. I’m not sure I can share pictures yet, but it’s got a jack and beanstalk look to it. I’ll share it later.

I am also working on a piece that came up in my brain a few year ago. It came along when I was accepted to make a a piece for an art book that would helped fund reproductive care for womxn. The art book fell through, but the idea has been ping ponging in my braincase ever since. Essentially, it’s an angry mother goose who’s upset with the right for taking away more and more reproductive rights. I’ve been looking up goose references and trying to find the right trees to frame the image. It’s just one of many larger pieces that have found themselves rolling around in my brain and may never come to fruition (remember the ideas from last month?).

pinterest searches

That’s all for now!

Thank you everyone for getting this far and to all of whom have been here since my first newsletter!